
Life Time Subscriptions

Have Life Time Acces To Guided Medirations Your Select
Start Your Journey To Prosperity Today

A True Life Meditations Subscription

Restore Your Family Wellbeing & Prosperity

Give yourself and your dearest biggest gift of all, a truly prosperous and purposeful life.

Release Stuck Energies

Meditation music together with the power statements invites your soul to free up deeply stuck energies.

Heal Key Family Relatioships

As the stuck energies start releasing, the healing of the key relationships in the family starts unfolding.

Opening of New Possibilities

In parallel, as the stuck energies are releasing, new possibilities & opportunities start appearing in life.

Tremendous Support

When connected with the family and your ancestors, their tremendous support will be provided to you.

Protection & Care

As family relationships will start harmonizing, strong protection from your ancestors will be there for you.

Achieving New Heights

With all this new positive energy & support, you will be able to achieve new heights in your life.

Feel Satisfied & Fulfilled

When key family relationships improve & prosper, we feel deeply satisfied & fulfilled. 

Expand Your Inner Peace

With all these positive changes in your family, a new space of Inner Divine Peace opens within you.

Enjoy A New Life

Family Circle Healing & Prosperity guided mediations lead you into a new life, into A True Life.

My Family Healing Guided Meditations

One time purchase of Family Healing guided meditations.

My Parents Guided Meditations

Start healing relationships with the most important people in your life, your mother and your father. Included guided meditations in this package are: My Mother, My Father & My Parents.

My Grandparents Guided Meditations

Start healing relationships with people who love you unconditionally, your grandmother and grandfather. Included guided meditations are: My Grandmother, My Grandfather & My Ancestors.

My Great Grandparents Guided Meditations

Start healing relationships with your great grandmother and grandfather, the foundation of your life. Included guided meditations are: My Great Grandmother, My Great Grandfather & My Ancestors.

My Siblings Guided Meditations

Start healing relationships with the dearest people in your life, your sister and/or your brother. Have fun and enjoy your life fully. Included guided meditations are: My Brother, My Sister & My Siblings.

Our Marriage Guided Meditations

Heal relationship with your partner, to restore respect, love and passion for each other. Included guided meditations are: My Wife, My Husband & Our Marriage.

My Children Guided Meditations

Start healing relationships with people who are extensions of your life, your daughter and/or your son. Included guided meditations are: My Son, My Daughter & My Children.

All Family Healing Guided Meditations

Get life time access to all Family Healing guided meditations. Restore harmonious relationships with the most important people in your life and live A True Life.   

Secure Payments

Secure payments are handled by Stripe.

Money is Tight?

If money is tight, at this time, we know quite well how that feels. Send us an email at support@atruelife.net.

My Family Prosperity Guided Meditations

One time purchase of Family Prosperity guided meditations.

Claim Life Prosperity Guided Meditations

Prosperity is naturally given to every one of us. We just need to remember this and claim it back. Included guided meditations are: Claim Life Prosperity, Claim Clarity of Life & Transform Relationship.

Rejuvenate Body Guided Meditations

Initiate the process of restoring your body’s wellness, vitality and health. Live your life fully. Included guided meditations in this bundle are: My Heart, Rejuvenate Body & Transform Into Wellness.

Freeing the Life Guided Meditations

Transfrom challenging emotional states into a new life, life of freedom and joyIncluded guided meditations are: Freeing Anxiety, Freeing Procrastination & My Life Support. 

Create A New Life Guided Meditations

Thrive in your life by producing the most beautiful works of creation and art to serve humanity. Included guided meditations are: My Project, Successful Creator & Successful Author.

Divine Life Guided Meditations

When we awaken our Divine nature we open these beautiful dimensions of our being, Included guided meditations are: Inner Divine Peace, My Soul, Oneness With the Source of Life & Awakened Planet.

All Family Prosperity Guided Meditations

Get life time access to all bundles of Family Prosperity guided meditations. Restore your inner peace and a true prosperity in your own life and the life of your family. Live A True Life! Here & Now!   

All Family Healing & Prosperity Meditations

Give your self one of the biggest gifts of all, rejuvenation of your your soul & inner self, your body and your life with all guided meditations from Family Healing & Family Prosperity Collections.

A True Life Guided Meditations Subscription

A True Life guided meditations subscription includes all of our meditations for Family Circle Healing and Life Prosperity Transformation series. This subscription also includes all future new meditation releases.

Meditation Options

Each meditation comes with:

  • Guided Mediation with calming introduction
  • Guided Meditation without intro
  • Guided Mediation music only

Life Time Access

With the subscription you select (one time purchase), you you would get a life time access to the guided meditations from that individual bundle or collection.  

Unlimited Listening

All meditations are available anytime for listening:

  • 7×24 access to all meditations 
  • Listen whenever you want
  • Listen for as long as you want 


All of our meditations are available under one subscription plan priced to be affordable for everyone.


You have the freedom to listen to the guided meditations as per your desire, they all are available for you.


Our meditations you can listen at any time and on any device, your laptop, tablet or mobile phone.  

Satisfaction Guarantee

If at any time you are not satisfied with our work please let us know. We take input from our clients very seriously.

Questions & Support

If at any time you may have any questions or may need additional information/explanations or guidance, we are here for you.

Your Ideas & Suggestions

If at any point you have ideas for new mediations or suggestions please let us know, we will seriously evaluate it.


People who have subscribed to A True Life guided meditations have become our extended global family.

Here are some of their thoughts and testimonials.

Deeply Moved

It was incredible to watch how my relationship with my mother started to change as I was getting at peace. Me and my mother found a new relationship!

Peter C.
Toronto, Canada

A Huge Relief

After a few days of listening to My Father meditation, the deep sadness I was carrying for years started to dissolve. And new life energy started to appear. Thank you!

Sanya S.
London, UK

New Son 

Me & my son had quite a challenging relationship. To our surprise, after I started listening to My Son meditation, he started to open up. A miracle to us.

Yvan G.
Los Angeles, USA


Inner Divine Peace guided meditation is truly profound. Its music, the guiding voice, the composition of it, it is really profound. Blessed that I found it. 

Lily G.
Belgrade, Serbia